We make music you can get drunk and fight to.
Band bio: We are failures at normal life. We left behind rebellion and drinking and fucking and drugs in our teenage years and settled down with a young bride or a responsible young man in the suburbs. But we didn’t get it right. Maybe because that sucks anyway. So we divorced our spouses (multiple spouses, multiple divorces) moved back to the city, indulging in our favorite vices, and starting this band to spread the Gospel of Debauchery.
Christa – Vocals.
Christa has been singing and rioting since childhood and will be at it until she drops dead (hopefully on stage at age 85). She doesn’t like to talk about the brief, regrettable acoustic-rock-singer phase she went through in the early 90′s so don’t mention it.
Christa promises that she has never, ever really set fire to an ex’s house. Or any domestic structure, really. And she wouldn’t ever set fire to any domestic structure, no matter what the rotten motherfucker did. She promises.
Alberto – Drums.
He likes to hit stuff hard. He’s been hitting stuff hard (and hitting the hard stuff) since he was a teenager in Bogota, Colombia. He’s played in metal bands, industrial bands and now he breaks drumsticks and drum sets with us. We’ve never met anyone who’s loved drumming more than him so we’re keeping him (which means keeping him out of trouble).
John – Guitar.
John’s from Southern California (maybe) and has been playing guitar since he was 12 (maybe). Formal jazz training led to him playing in punk bands all over California. We learn something new and strange about John every day, so we think he’s actually a government agent who just happens to be a great guitarist and friend (and we’re not saying that just because we’re trying to get on the government’s good side).
Freya – Bass.
Freya is from Australia, which is an upside-down shaped America on the opposite side of the world. There are poisonous birds and fucking platypuses and huge snakes there. Also, Mordor is in the outback.
Our Freya is an amazingly talented artist who was brought up in what sounds like a burning man type hippy commune. In addition to playing bass like a champ, she plays guitar, sings and twirls fire (not on stage)